Session 2 - Good Day to Plan for a Good Day

It's a Good Day to Plan to Have a Good Day!


What kind of day are you having?

Some days are tough and it may feel like nothing is going your way. However, you have the power to turn a bad day into a good day! Like Daniel Powter's song, Bad Day, "You sing a sad song just to turn it around" might be a place to start. How can you take those moments that aren't going your way and turn them around? Click "play" on the video to the right to sing along with Daniel Powter's song!

Some of the I'm Determined Elements may be helpful in finding what you need to plan to have a Good Day. In this session you will have the opportunity to explore:

Choice making: the skill of selecting a path forward between two known options.

Looking at the things you can and can't control

The skill of selecting a path forward based on various solutions that have each been thoughtfully considered.

Knowing who and what can help you have a Good Day

Basic understanding of one's own strengths, needs, and abilities.

Knowing what your abilities are and the supports to help when needed can help you have a Good Day

Ice Breaker

What makes your day a Good Day?

Here is an activity to help you start thinking about what makes a Good Day for you! Jonathan will guide you through the activity, you can take out a piece of paper and pencil and follow along with the steps below:

  1. Draw two circles

  2. Label one circle "Good Day" and write things that make it a good day in the circle.

  3. Label the other one "Bad Day" and write things that might happen on a bad day in the circle.


What is in your control?

Here is what you are going to do with your circles:

  1. Look at your Good Day and Bad Day circles

  2. Highlight the items in both circles that you have control over.

Check out Olivia's video as she shows you what things in both her Good Day and Bad Day circles she can control.

Understanding and being aware of your needs and what you have control over are important in planning for a Good Day. Olivia knows that getting up early enough to choose her clothes and do her hair make a good start to her day. Being ready for the day also means checking to make sure her technology is working for reading and writing. These daily tasks are things that are in her control.

Knowing what is in your control can help you plan for a Good Day.

Good Day and Bad Day

Do you need an accessible version of the slides above that will work with a screen reader? Click here to open the Google Slide presentation.

How can you turn a Bad Day into a Lovely Day?

  1. Click on the video to hear what Lauren has to share.

  2. Check out the slideshow to see what makes our Youth Leaders' Bad Days become a Good Day.

  3. Bop along to "It's Gonna Be a Lovely Day" by clicking the YouTube video link.

A Good Day Plan can be helpful in supporting success in school and work

Putting together a Good Day Plan can help to build a routine, be proactive in the choices you make and find the supports you may need. Remember like any plan you can tweak it to make changes so that it continues to work for you. A Good Day Plan can be a tool for navigating both school and work. Watch the video below to see how a teacher has supported a student in creating his Good Day Plan and how it helped his school success.

Video of a student and teacher looking at a Good Day Plan together

Click here for a transcript of the video.

Jayme's Good Day Plan

Jayme has used her Good Day Plan as a tool to help identify her needs and supports. She has discovered that making changes to her plan over the years has helped her navigate changes in her routine. She is aware of what she needs to happen in her day and who can support her to get back on track when things are not going as planned.

Click here to access a transcript of Jayme's video.

Not all Good Day Plans have to look the same

Your Good Day Plan helps you to identify when you might need support across your day. Click on the images of the Good Day Plans below to see what our Youth Leaders have shared on their Good Day Plan's.

Copy of Jonathan's Good Day Plan.pdf

Jonathan's Good Day Plan

IMD Site Jaymes Good Day Plan.pdf

Jayme's Good Day Plan

IMD Site Good Day Plan Lauren.pdf

Lauren's Good Day Plan

IMD Site Joe's Good Day Plan.pdf

Joe's Good Day Plan

The right supports can help you plan for a Good Day

Sometimes support is "One Call Away" as Charlie Puth shares in his song.

One Call Away

Click above to listen to Charlie Purth's song One Call Away

Joe shares some of his supports

Knowing who and what your supports are can help you plan for a Good Day. Supports can be a person, a strategy or thing.

Click here to access a transcript of Joe's video.

What might be helpful to support your Good Day? This is a picture of a checklist of activities that you can try out to see if they help you have a good day. Click on the picture to download an accessible version of this checklist.

Checklist of Supports

Knowing who and what your supports are can help you plan for a Good Day. Supports can be a person or a strategy. Being able to identify the supports you need makes it possible to be proactive in planning for a Good Day.

Explore the supports on the checklist and think about how some might be helpful in creating your Good Day Plan.

Link to Good Day Support Checklist in Google Docs.

Call to Action

Planning for a Good Day can take some thinking about what your needs are and the supports that are available. Explore the activities below to start the process of thinking about planning for your Good Day. You may choose to do one or all of the activities as you work through creating a plan that works best for you.

How can you help someone else have a Good Day?

Check out this video for some ideas on how you can pay it forward to help others have a Good Day. Take a picture and share how you helped someone have a good day on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Be sure to include #IMDSummit in your response so that our team can respond!

Need a description of the video? Click here for a link to the Pay it Forward Video Description.

This is a picture of a Good Day Plan. Click the picture to open up a PDF that you can edit and make your own Good Day Plan.

What will you add to your Good Day Plan?

Use the Good Day Plan Web app or Good Day Plan template, to create a plan to make your good day happen more often. Share your Good Day Plan with your teacher, employer, or parent!

If you need help thinking of what to put in each box of the Good Day Plan, check out the guiding questions on the Good Day Plan Implementation Guide to help you.

What might be helpful to support your Good Day? This is a picture of a checklist of activities that you can try out to see if they help you have a good day. Click on the picture to download an accessible version of this checklist.

What can you add to your toolbox of supports?

Did you try one of the activities on the supports checklist? Take a picture and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Be sure to include #IMDSummit in your response so that our team can respond!

Link to Good Day Support Checklist in Google Docs.

Picture of a thinking emoji with a thought bubble above its head and a title above it that says "What makes your day a good day?"

What makes your day a Good Day?

Share what makes your day a Good Day on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the #IMDSummit or following the link to our Google Form.


What are you going to do ensure you have a Good Day? Remember that the choices and decisions you make can influence if you have a Good Day. Think about what a good day at school or work looks like for you. Identifying the things that are in your control can be a first step towards planning for a Good Day. The Good Day Plan is a way to put the steps in place to help you make and stick to a plan. Knowing what needs to be in place and who can support you are steps that will lead you down the road to making today a good day to have a Good Day!